Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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i needed tell you that whenever having your golf options manual, i've been capable of taking over 10 strokes off my regular score of 95. Now i am at 85, and that i owe everything for this program. Thanks.

i'm completely pleased with your method when i hit last saturday 12 from 14 fairways with my driver throughout 18 holes. I removed some componen 3's out of this computation like a driver wasn't used.

hopefully later on i'll hit all 14 fairways throughout a round. My current score has came by about 10 towards the low 90's since i have began your method. i'm searching toward striking the eighties

your technique is simple and delay pills work in comparison to 2 other techniques which i have lately bought, but don't consistently work.

david, more very good news around the golf front i authored a couple of days once i got your book and said the way i went from shooting within the 100s to 85 in three days.

well, there's always room for improvement right. T......Read More detail

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